Monday, January 9, 2023

glock 21 barrel length

Glock 21 Barrel Length - They include the Glock Model 20 10mm and the Glock Model 21 .45 ACP pistol. Introduced in 1990, the Model 21 in .45 ACP competes with other large-caliber pistols in police service. Americans want more hits on their defensive weapons, and my own view on this is that of four-square Americans.

The pistol was well received. Good reliability and accuracy are good selling points. Another strong point is that the magazine holds 13 rounds of .45 ACP, bringing the pistol's total capacity to 14.

Glock 21 Barrel Length

Glock 21 Barrel Length

The downside of the pistol is its size. Female shooters with small hands and long fingers often do well with the Glock 21, although training and a thorough understanding of the type is required. Although the pistol is bulky due to the polymer frame, it is light enough.

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When you consider the whole picture, the Glock offers impressive ammo in a lightweight package. For example, the original Government Model Colt 1911 in the same caliber weighed 39 ounces. The current service pistol, the 9mm Beretta 92, weighs 35 ounces and holds 15 rounds of the less effective 9mm cartridge.

Another advantage of Glock is simplicity. The safe-action design offers only one trigger movement to learn, as opposed to double-action, first-fire pistols, which require you to learn both double-action and single-action. No manual safety

The lever on the trigger is not a true safety. This is a drop safety designed to prevent inertia from moving the trigger if the pistol is dropped. A Glock safe action trigger is cocked when you tighten the slide and push the trigger forward under pressure. The striker or firing pin is partially bent at that point. As the trigger continues to be pulled, the striker pushes back and breaks against the spring pressure, sending the pistol forward to fire. When the slide is retracted, the action is partially engaged and you can fire the pistol with another short pull.

The Glock action safety has proven to be reliable in action and offers a quick learning trigger. Although there is no manual safety, the real safety is between the ears, and the Glock shooter must understand to keep the finger off the trigger until ready to fire.

What Is The Best Glock .45 Acp? Glock 21 Vs. Glock 41

The Glock Model 21 has proven to be as reliable as any other Glock pistol, which means reliability meets high standards. Compared to other .45 ACP pistols, the Glock Model 21 offers moderate recoil. Despite its light weight, the polymer frame creates little recoil, and the large handle spreads recoil across the palm. The Glock Model 21 is one of the lightest recoilless pistols in .45 ACP caliber.

Combined with a shorter bore than other axes, the result is a pistol that is more controllable and accurate in combat shooting. The Glock Model 21 is also the most accurate Glock pistol. Some Glock models are not very accurate, and the Model 21 often produces excellent results.

Like all quality handguns, the Glock Model 21 performs better with one type of ammunition, although the accuracy level is often higher for a service-grade pistol. Cycle reliability is good with a variety of ammo. P grade + ammo is not recommended for several reasons.

Glock 21 Barrel Length

Many will recognize that the illustrated pistol is one of the first Glock Model 21s. Newer versions have better grip with finger scratches. The newer handguns have interchangeable grips and are more accurate than my original.

Glock 21 Gen 4 45acp, Camo Slide, Ported Barrel, Semi Auto Pistol, 13 Rounds, 3 Mags

That said, the old model 21 is still serviceable. I highly recommend looking for newer versions. I have never seen a bad M21 and the new models are good.

When testing the Glock Model 21 used in this feature, I ran it in a Don Hume service-grade thumbtack. It's a great all-around design that strikes a good balance of speed and sustain.

The Glock pistol shown has fired several thousand rounds in its lifetime. For the purposes of this review, I fired it with a variety of service-grade ammo.

Do you own or use an original GLOCK 21? What about the new one? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Gen 3 & 4 Glock 7.5\

About the Author: Bob Campbell Bob Campbell's primary education is a lifelong love of firearms, writing, and education. He has a degree in criminal justice, but is spontaneous on issues important to his readers. Campbell sees disarming skills as the first line of defense and handguns as the last resort. (He's honest — his uncle Jerry Campbell is in the Boxers Hall of Fame.)

Campbell has written more than 6,000 editorial and review columns and fourteen books for major publishers including Gun Digest, Skyhorse, and Paladin Press. Campbell worked as a peace officer and security specialist, making hundreds of arrests and being injured more than once on the job.

He wrote university-level curricula, served as a major missionary, and was passionately in love with Joyce. He teaches his grandchildren not to be snowflakes. At an age when most people are thinking about retirement, Bob works 60 hour weeks and looks forward to the whirlwind years to come.

Glock 21 Barrel Length

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